Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Pilots Care About Those Who Want To Learn To Fly

I continue to be amazed by the pilot community.  I presented (keynotes / breakouts) or was the master of ceremonies at several events in 2012, and made many friends in a variety of industries.  With over 50 events I encountered more people in 2012 than ever before.  But with talks in the legal, engineering, medical, technology, government, and other industries.... I did not find myself wanting to become a lawyer, doctor, etc....  However, my exposure to the world of aviation at the AOPA Aviation Summit was unique.  I left wanting to learn to fly.

Additionally I keep hearing from people I met at the event. Both attendees and vendors took an interest in me.... and my early interest in flight.  I still get emails from those who want to check in and see if I still am seeking the path to flight.  I have had magazine articles mailed to me and suggestions on where in Texas to get my education / instruction.  The enthusiasm with which people seem to care is wonderful.

My exposure to aviation sparked an interest in flight, but it was the people and how excited they were about a newcomers child-like excitement that keeps me learning.  I cannot afford the time or money to jump in fully right now, but I am becoming more convinced that I want to get my certificate.  I teach people about connecting and community... but I have a lot to learn on this topic from pilots!!!

I heard from someone today who I met at AOPA.  I was so touched by their words that I had to come write something on this blog.  If you think you want to learn to fly, simply go meet pilots.  Express to them your interest, and you will discover people who want to help you along the way.  

While that is not 100% of the people in the aviation world (I have encountered many who are indifferent), the ones who are reminded of their own entry to flight by your excitement are all over the place!!!

Have a great day.

thom singer

Friday, January 11, 2013

Merry Christmas - Introduction to Redbird

For Christmas my wife and kids gave me a gift certificate for a two-hour introduction to Redbird Skyport (and their simulator based training center).  I have been doing a lot of research about my pending flight training, and the offering at the San Marcos Redbird facility is the most interesting.  Nationally it is getting a lot of attention, and the fact that I live 30 miles away makes it a geographic bonus.

The good news is I am excited to schedule my two hours visit. The more I learn and experience, the more interested I am in becoming a pilot.  The bad news is that the cost of getting my flight certificate is higher than I had imagined. With personal and business necessities, I might have to put this off a little longer than I had hoped.  I have to be realistic about our budgets (home and for the business), and I cannot add another expense until I overcome some previous commitments.

Yet this is not necessarily a bad thing.  Since my first exposure to general aviation in October, and my desire to explore the whole process, I have tried hard to be realistic and honest about my level of desire to fly.  I did not want to be seduced by the coolness and newness of the concept.  Being sure that this was something I was committed to has always been important (did not want a "shiny object syndrome").

The journey might be a long one... but I had coffee yesterday with a guy who has postponed his pilots certificate for over a decade because of the expense and time commitment.  I am fairly confident that I will not need to wait that long.

As I have said all along, I am going to go one step at a time.  My next step is to set up my visit to Redbird.

Have A Great Day.

thom singer