Friday, November 30, 2012

People Are Interested In Aviation

With my newly found interest in aviation, I am surprised how often I find people who want to talk about flying.  I bring copies magazines (like AOPA's Flight Training) with me on commercial flights, and those sitting next to me will almost always comment on my reading materials.  Some are pilots, others want to be pilots, while others still just think it is cool to fly.

When I read BusinessWeek or FastCompany Magazine I never get a comment.  One issue of Flying, and wammo --- I am chatting with the person next to me about airplanes.

This brings up an a paradox.  The number of pilots is decreasing and those in the general aviation industry are clearly worried about attracting the next generation of pilots, and yet the average person is at least curious about flight.

I asked a non-pilot, who dreams of flying, why he does not take the actions to get his private pilot certification.  He was quick to answer that it is expensive, takes a lot of time, and is difficult.  I am finding that while all of that is true, it is not nearly as daunting as many believe.

If you have a desire to fly, do not just assume that the process is out of your reach.  While I am taking it very slow to make sure I know what I am doing (and to ensure the desire lasts before I commit the time or money)... it is becoming very clear to me that becoming a pilot is a real possibility for anyone who wishes to learn to soar in the sky.

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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