Sunday, March 3, 2013

Learning to Fly - SO MUCH TO LEARN

Yesterday I watched more educational videos and read more of the information in the online "Ground School" class.  I am trying to get a basic understanding of flight long before I start taking lessons.  There is so much to learn, I now realize why many people do not ever complete their education to become a pilot.  It is overwhelming to me the parts that must come together to fly a plane.  I want to have this experience, and I desire to be behind the controls, but there are so many things that have to happen for this to happen:

  • The learning curve is high.
  • The cost of the training is significant.
  • The time commitment is large.
  • The support of my family is necessary.

But I am moving forward...step by step.

Next week I have an introductory flight and a tour of the flight school where I am considering taking my lessons.  I am really excited to again go up in the air.  This time I have a goal of really understanding what is involved with learning to fly, so my whole experience will be more interesting than my first flight in October.

I had lunch with a friend who is a commercial airline pilot.  I shared with him my interest in flying, but also my slow approach to getting my pilot's certificate.  He agreed that I should take my time to ensure I really want to do this, as one has to be committed in order to learn all the information and create a habit of safety.  He assured me that going fast is not the best way, and while he agreed that the amount of information can seem overwhelming, he is confident that it will all come together for me.

It was fun to be able to talk with my pilot friend, as all the science and technical terms I am learning are part of his daily life.  I could tell he enjoyed hearing my excitement and novice interest in aviation.  While he flies large commercial jets, he started out in college learning to fly a small plane, and he fully understood what I am feeling about this journey.  I especially appreciated his confidence that this is something I can accomplish.

But there is so much to learn!

thom singer

UPDATE - My "Discovery Flight" and tour had to be postponed.  I am working to get that rescheduled ASAP.